Friday, February 21, 2014

Hue Shift and plain squares

So I'm designing a pillow cover. Over much debate of what should it be I went with Hue Shift Squares. I'm making the pillow 4 squares by 4 squares, and with 4 different colours. I gauged it and even read the label on the yarn balls and somehow measured wrong! They're suppose to be 6.5" but came to be 8.5". I could do 9 but that wasn't the plan!!! So I back track and undid those bigger squares. Too bad I only caught my mistake on the 3rd one. The rainbow ones are just tests; hand spun yarn by a friend. 
The other photos I posted yesterday are cellphone pics. I wanted to show the real colours hu hu.
Today I am skipping a review class to post knit things and of course knit :$!!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What a busy month!

Past due photo of socks I made for my cousin! Finally got a picture of her in
the monkey socks I made for her birthday last May.
Anyhow I've been so caught up in studies I feel like I've neglected to post...or really do anything.
But in this past week I've made up for it n_n~~~
Lots of projects in progress. More than I'd like to admit... 

My lovely boyfriend got me 4 balls of galway heather so I could finally work on a Hue Shift pattern. I figured it out instead of purchasing it on ravelry... muahhaha thank you math class :D 
And below a photo of Amaranta shoulderette pattern. This is a test knit with some 
acrylic yarn I was making a shrug out of which I was too fat for... :/ The yarn weight is
much heavier than what it calls for but I wanted it to be bigger. 
I'll post the rest of my projects later...yes more than this is done in a week.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy Berry

Woot! Finished my hinagiku hat!!!
Only a day later than I had wanted. Sweet georgia is such a beautiful yarn to work with.
Definitely didn't get bored with this one at all, so I will totally get more!! >:) 
The hat itself is kinda big for my head... CO 120 for this on 3mm. 
I suggest people with smaller heads to CO 100. 
Personally I like it to be a bit more snug, hopefully the wind wont blow it off me~~~